Check this to make the scene information numbers increase throughout the script, rather than restarting when a new act starts.
This is dimmed because "Use Scene Information in Script" is unchecked.
You can enter the first scene information number here.
By clicking on these arrows, you can make the first scene information number go up or down.
If this is checked, the Scene Information will be centered on the page; otherwise, it will be flush left against its left-hand margin.
Check this to make Scene Infomation elements contain the word "scene" as well as a letter or number.
Check this to enclose Scene Information elements in parentheses.
Choose this option to number Scene Information using letters, skipping the letters in the Locked Letter Skip List.
Choose this option to number Scene Information using digits.
Choose this option to number Scene Information using spelled-out numbers.
Choose this option to number Scene Information using Roman numerals.
Many dramatic TV scripts and MOWs use Act Information but not Scene Information. If you check this option, then the program will automatically put in Scene Information when you start a new act, otherwise it will not.
If this is checked, character names will be horizontally centered on the page. Character names are NOT usually centered in most professional scripts, and I recommend that you do not center them.
If this is checked, then in order for two consecutive character names to match, they must have the same extension (such as V.O.) as well as the same name.
If you select this option, then the program will not automatically add the Continued extension when a character speaks twice in a row.
If you select this option, then the program will automatically add the Continued extension to a character name if the previous speech was by the same character.
If you select this option, then the program will automatically add the Continued extension (as a parenthetical on the next line) to a character name if the previous speech was by the same character.
This is the text that will be added as an extension when a character speaks twice in a row. Don't type in parentheses, the program will provide those.
When a speech is interrupted by a page break, the character name will be repeated after the page break, with this text as an extension.
When a speech is interrupted by a page break, this text will be shown below the dialogue element that precedes the page break. It will be automatically parenthesized, unless you leave this field empty.
When a continued extension is being displayed in the same pair of parentheses as a user extension, this text will be used to separate the extensions.
If you select this option, then a continued extension will be in the same pair of parentheses as a user extension such as V.O., separated by the Continued Separator text.
If you select this option, then a continued extension will appear in a separate pair of parentheses from a user extension.
If you check this, the scene number will appear to the left of each scene heading.
If you check this, the scene number will appear to the right of each scene heading.
In this field, you can enter the number of the first scene, normally 1.
You can use the up and down arrows to adjust the starting scene number, as an alternative to typing the number in the field.
If this option is checked, the right scene number will be to the right of the first line of the scene heading. If it is not checked, the right scene number will be to the right of the last line of the scene heading.
This option is dimmed because you have not checked the option to use right scene numbers.
If this option is checked and a scene continues onto a new page, a continued line will display at the top of the page, below the page header.
If this option is checked and a scene continues onto a new page, a continued line will display at the bottom of the page.
This is the text that appears in a top continued line. The top continued line will also have a left or right scene number if you have chosen those options.
This is the text that appears in a bottom continued line.
This field is dimmed because the top continued option is unchecked.
This field is dimmed because the bottom continued option is unchecked.
This field specifies the number of spaces after initial scene text. The value can be from 1 to 9.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the number of spaces after the initial scene text.
This field specifies the left margin of bottom continueds, measured in inches from the left edge of the paper.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the left margin of bottom continueds.
This field specifies the number of dashes between the scene body text and the time of day.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the number of dashes between the scene body text and the time of day.
This field specifies the number of spaces before and after the time of day dashes.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the number of spaces before and after the time of day dashes.
With Sentence Ends Preferred or Maximum Lines on Page, an Action broken by a page break must have this many lines before and after the page break. With Sentence Ends Only, it may affect lines before a break, depending on Break After a Single Sentence.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the minimum number of action lines on a page.
With Sentence Ends Preferred or Maximum Lines on Page, a Dialogue broken by a page break must have this many lines before and after the page break. With Sentence Ends Only, it affects lines before a break, depending on Break After a Single Sentence.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the minimum number of Dialogue lines on a page.
This option allows a transition to appear where a bottom continued would have been.
This option allows a scene heading to appear where a top continued line would otherwise appear. If this is not checked, and top continueds are in use, then space will be reserved for top continueds even on pages that start with scene headings.
This field specifies the page number of the first page in the script, not counting a title page. Normally it is 1.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the starting page number.
This specifies the line number of the first line of text on the first page and after a forced page break. Normally it is 1.
The up and down arrows can be used to increase or decrease the starting line number for the first page and forced pages.
This option only affects line breaking when you choose Sentence Ends Only or Preferred, and only in Dialogue. If this is checked, there may be fewer than the specified minimum lines before a break.
If this option is chosen, Action elements will not be broken across pages.
If this option is chosen, Action elements will usually break at sentence ends, unless it is not possible to do so and also satisfy the minimum lines rule.
If this option is chosen, Action elements will only be broken at sentence ends. The minimum lines value will not affect the number of lines after a break, but will affect lines before a break if you have not checked Break After a Single Sentence.
If this option is chosen, there will be as many lines before a page break as possible, subject to the minimum lines rule.
If this option is chosen, Dialogue elements will not be broken across pages.
If this option is chosen, Dialogue elements will only be broken at sentence ends. The minimum lines value will not affect the number of lines after a break, but will affect lines before a break
If this option is chosen, Dialogue elements will usually break at sentence ends, unless it is not possible to do so and also satisfy the minimum lines rule.
If you check this, the height of a (MORE) line will be taken into account when breaking dialogue. If you do not check it, the (MORE) line may print below the bottom margin.
Check this option to make Act Information elements automatically parenthesized.
Check this option to horizontally center Act Information elements on the page.
If you check this option, then choosing "Start New Scene/Same Act" from the initial scene pop-up list will not add an Act Information element.
This is the number of the first act in the script.
An End of Act element following the act of this number will become End of Show.
Choose this option to number acts using letters, A, B, C, etc., as modified by the Locked Letter Skip List.
Choose this option to number acts using Arabic digits 1, 2, 3, etc.
Choose this option to number acts using spelled-out numbers, ONE, TWO, etc.
Choose this option to number acts using Roman numeral, I, II, III, IV, etc.
If you check this box, then any new scene heading inserted before scene 1 in a locked script will be numbered A, not 0A.
This option makes a character name appear on the same line as the first line of its dialogue. If you use this option, you should also go to the Character Names format options and clear out the Continued and More Continued text.